Sunday, September 9, 2012

back to being a diaper pig

After 2 Relatively Boring posts, its time to get back to main purpose of this BLOG. Its Purpose is to HUMILIATE and DEGRADE this pathetic fairy, Hurt is Feelings with Cruel Comments, and Ridicule him for his NEED to be treated like this.
Does Everyone agree with pansy? That he IS!!, a Diaper wearing Loser, The sissy should have an Entire, Real website built around his sissy pig lifestyle, a website that can host the over 4-5 thousand (yes, that many) pictures of him being degraded and ridiculed. That would certainly add to his shame, increase his internet exposure, and just be good laugh for everyone else.
Good Grief!!!, is pansy just about the STUPIDIEST thing you have ever seen, (maybe that should warrant a new poll) how hard is it to make sure that the sign you are holding is right side up?? GEEZ, maybe Master AL John should REALLLLLLY get serious about returning the sissy to infancy
Why?, you may ask, has the twit smashed a rotten banana onto his face? Does it makes him prettier?, Does it prove that his need to be ridiculed is so intense that he will degrade himself to this level?, actually, the diaper sissy is going to email them to the Moderator of He runs a website were fat, ugly, skanky loser Females and sissys are posted. The site HIGHLY encourages these PIGS to be laughed at, degraded, and ridiculed. It is a LOT of fun, and a very well done website
sissy pig pansy seems so proud of his latest picture, as stated before the sissy feels happiest when it knows that people are looking at his pictures and laughing at him, PLEASE!, help the sissy by making cruel comments about him on this blog, or you can email him directly at