Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Sorry for the Drama

Master AL John  - I Do NOT think that it was fair to all the fans/readers of this sissy's blog, to just cancel it, out of the Blue.  Although pansy, does crave Humiliation, some of the foul mouth posts had him (pansy), crying for days.   So, from now own posts will have to be Moderated... (I) Master AJ hates to do this, as it effects the integrity, authenticity, and spontaneity of this Blog.

But, this is all about pansy, and he was actually really scared that someone was going to come and beat him up/ threaten him for being a sissy male/adult little girl...again

posts will resume soon, however, here is a picture of the sissy for every to enjoy

Alfred John  

Monday, August 2, 2010

So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish ~~

Mater AJ has decided that it is in the sissy's best interest to CLOSE this blog

Turn Off The Lights
Silence The Band
And Close the Curtains For a Final Time

The Hate Filled Malcontents (with a HEAVY dose of self-loathing, no doubt) have WON!!
                           Yeah....Good for you..You will never be forced to read this blog again!
                           Happy Day................For You.

   There will NEVER be another post here......aren't you just the lucky ones !!

The People that enjoyed reading this blog, and followed  the sissy's lifestyle...........
   will never know what happens.........
   will never be entertained................
  will never see any more pictures....   you    LOSE !!!! (sorry. its just not worth the stress, anymore), blame them...well..they always post ANONYMOUS!!. imagine that (not going to cuss, becuze they are not worth it), just hope that THEY are happy that they ruined a blog with 55 followers, they ruined a blog that was actually rated the #212 Most Popular blog on, and proved that they ARE much more of a loser than the person that  they "HATE"!!!!   so much.

Enough is Enough is Enough

So Long,......... and thanks for all the fish