Tuesday, November 1, 2011

sissy FORCED to make Videos by a Superior Male

     sissy pansy is Forced by a Superior Male to make 2 videos of himself, the sissy can only hope that this further increases his exposure as a sissified adult baby girl. Also, PLEASE ! PLEASE! everyone that reads this Blog feel free to repost his pictures on any website, group, forum, etc...., anywhere that sissified males (barely!) are exposed and exploited. 
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ReplyReply AllMove...sissy folder Flag this messageRe: speak sissy faggotMonday, October 31, 2011 2:43 PMFrom: This sender is DomainKeys verified"Dean Richardson" Add sender to ContactsTo: "Pansy Faggotte" Thank you very much sissy! I also think that you should reupload some of your sissy picture sets to your yahoo group, theres only 2 picture sets on the group. And I know that you have a lot of photo sets, and I think that you should post as many of them as you can to pansypictures. Especially pics of the faggot crying, I find those most amusing!


From: Pansy Faggotte

To: Dean Richardson

Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011 9:27 AM

Subject: Re: speak sissy faggot

Sir, here are the 2 videos, this sissy will post them in the Blog spot site tmrw Nov. 1, Sir, this sissy also included 2 new pictures, PLEASE feel free to repost them or share them with anyone that you think will laugh at, and further humiliate this sissy, Sir


--- On Sun, 10/30/11, Dean Richardson wrote:

From: Dean Richardson

Subject: Re: speak sissy faggot

To: "Pansy Faggotte"

Date: Sunday, October 30, 2011, 11:48 PM

Thats fine, but where is this webcam that the sissy is talking about?


From: Pansy Faggotte

To: Dean Richardson

Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2011 8:24 AM

Subject: Re: speak sissy faggot

Okay, that is a wonderful idea, this sissy will do just that, make a video of its self, it will have to be on the webcam, though

And you are right, this sissy doesn't update it enough, and we do have many photo shoots/ topics to post. this sissy will try to do a better job, and thank you for taking the time to write to this sissy, and for reading its Blog...

Do you mind if this sissy uses your email message in the newest post (won't include your email address though)?



--- On Wed, 10/26/11, Dean Richardson wrote:

From: Dean Richardson

Subject: speak sissy faggot

To: "abg_pansy@yahoo.com"

Date: Wednesday, October 26, 2011, 9:32 PM

I've gone to this things blog for quite some time. It doesn't get updated enough for my taste, but thats ok. But I have been told about how ridiculous the sissy pansy sounds when it talks, but I have never heard it for myself. I would like to see a video of the lisping fairy talking sometime in the near future. I could use a real good laugh